Monday, 5 October 2015

Droning On

I can't even tell you how sick I'm getting of talking about drones, studying drones, reading about drones. Everyone around me is fairly over it too, I think. Currently I'm trying to figure out the justification behind the drone Makerspace, but I'm struggling to find authoritative pieces. Everyone says that they're good for STEM (science, technology, engineering, and maths) learning, but where's the evidence? It's annoying. I think it's because Makerspaces are a fairly new concept, and personal drones are a new technology, that there hasn't been any definite research on the project.

After I've finished that section, I then have to develop the stakeholder matrix, which is basically describing the users and businesses and community groups and government organisations that have an interest in the project, and then deciding how often they'll be updated on the progress of the Makerspace. That part of it isn't very difficult, it's really just forcing myself to do it. However, I have decided that I really, really don't want to be a Project Manager after the work we've done this semester.

Anyway, here's another drone video, this time an eagle vs. a drone:

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